About Us

Established in New York in April 2022, Harmony Accessories is backed by 18 years of experience in handmade wood jewelry, accessories design and creation.

In 2004, I founded Earth Works Fashion Accessories in Cebu, Philippines, from the confines of my living room, growing into one of Cebu’s leading makers of handmade jewelry and accessories.

Cebu has long been a destination not only for beautiful beaches and warm people but also home to artisans of some of the finest home accessories, furniture, and jewelry going back generations.

Our commitment to these traditional skills, innovation and sustainability is the foundation of our design ethos, defined by our collections, unique yet enduring.
In 2020, we would face our greatest challenge yet of surviving the pandemic.

Harmony is a journey of resolve and survival that led me to New York. On behalf of the local handcrafters with whom we work, we hope that our pieces bring you as much joy and inspiration as we get from creating them.

Christine Hamoy-Kintanar